Hi, I am Noris.
Age: 45/ Profession: Global Consulting Leader/ Ethnicity: Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME).
Weight and Body Fat Loss Achievement: 79.3kg to 66.7kg (within 7 months versus actual programme of 9 months). Body Fat; 22% to 15.7% (within 10 months, succeeding target of 16%).
Fitness Experience: Novice
Personal Bests (as of 15th August 2022):
Narrow Leg Press- 195kg/ Squat- 55kg/ Regular Deadlift- 40kg/ Barbell Bench Press- 62.5kg/ Incline Bench Press- 47.5kg/ Cable Crossovers- 13.5kg/ Barbell Shoulder Press- 35kg/
Reference and Recommendation: Yes
MIND: During the global COVID-19 Pandemic, I, like other individuals experienced rollercoaster wellness and mindfulness challenges. In March/April 2021, I learned and observed on ‘MoreMindMotto’ approach that resonates with my aspired fitness goal in a long term. Through Recce’s tireless fitness leadership and more than 100+ hours of coaching sessions, Mind Muscle Motive achieved my personal programme expectations to reducing 79.3kg to 66.7kg within 7 months and body fat % of 22% to 15.7%. This humbled transformation requires consistent perseverance, grit and determination. Importantly, resilient.
MUSCLE: When I kicked off my first fitness session in May 2021, I was a novice in personal fitness technical terms and acronyms. Reece’s ‘agile’ and ‘hybrid’ approach in nutrition is not a cliché. Through dynamic teamwork, we collaborated to understanding nutrition count leading to muscle growth (by taking into consideration nutrition from culture and inclusivity lens, lifestyle, quality of sleep, water intake and importantly level of stress and emotion). It was an eye opening and huge learning curve. Through invested hours of sessions, consultations, reading and socialising Reece’s weekly fitness session report (outlining detailed workout reps, sets, achievements and improvements), I’ve witnessed gradual muscle growth (a work in progress to date).
MOTIVE: In 2010-2016, 2021 I’ve completed 20 half marathons, 2 full London marathons and 1 full Virtual London marathon. My motive was to running for charities, humanity and world peace. In fitness lens, my main motive is to embrace self-love, self-care and self-improvement and endlessly learning on fitness through Reece’s sessions. In between, I self-taught through reading nutrition materials, fitness thought leadership and inspirational body transformation stories. I persistently self-reminding myself that the role of Personal Trainer like Reece is not to micro manage but to inspire, facilitate and organically push my limits to achieving personal bests in workout reps, and I should always be accountable with my personal programme, lead and own it- JUST F*****G DO IT (one day/week/month at a time).